Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis and FedEx Team Up to Distribute 1,350 Backpacks to Underserved Communities

The Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis (WFGM) in collaboration with FedEx and community partners distributed 1,350 backpacks filled with school supplies and other essentials to students at Springdale Elementary School, Booker T. Washington, LaRose Elementary and Cummings K-8 Optional Schools.
The two-day drive began on Thursday at Springdale Elementary and culminated with three additional schools on Friday, Jan. 13.
Providing supplies and backpacks is an opportunity to give vulnerable children the tools they need to be successful during their school year. The city of Memphis’ poverty rate is 24% and the poverty rate for Memphis children is even higher at 39%. Both are above the national average. The four schools are among the most economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in the city.
“The Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis is committed to a Multi-Generation Approach to reducing poverty by focusing on creating opportunities for and addressing the needs of both children and adults in the same household,” said Shante K. Avant, President and CEO. “We believe in providing resources and access to opportunities that improve academic achievement and the health and wellbeing of children and youth in our community. The Annual School Supply Drive aligns with the five goals of WFGM’s Vision 2025 Strategic Plan to increase investment and reduce poverty in five Memphis neighborhoods by 2025.”
Thanks to the support of community partners and businesses, this year’s project also focuses on youth development programs that are being offered to serve children and youth in the community. Each backpack included school supplies and a resource guide with important information, as well as personal protective equipment.
FedEx is the Presenting Sponsor for the 7th Annual School Supply Drive. Supporting Sponsors include AutoZone, Baptist Memorial Health Care, Comcast, State Representative Raumesh Akbari, Chairman Mickell Lowery, Memphis Housing Authority, Memphis-Shelby County Schools and Urban Strategies, Inc.