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Become Involved - Invest Your Time and Talent

There are no exact words to describe the countless hours and gallant moments spent by volunteers helping other women reach their full potential. The Women's Foundation has several committees that support our annual events. The spirit of the Women’s Foundation can be found in the heart and passion of the volunteers.

Office/clerical assistance: There is always work to be done in the office! If you prefer to work behind the scenes by filing, preparing mailings, or answering the phones, then an office volunteer is perfect for you.

Internship: The Women’s Foundation works with many of the local universities through internship programs. Interns would work with staff members in their field of education to receive college credit.

Reception Hostess: Host of fundraiser reception to tell others about the Women’s Foundation

Phonathon: Serve on and/or gather a team of volunteers callers to help raise funds

Speaker: Invite a Women’s Foundation representative to make a presentation to a particular organization, agency, or corporation or volunteer as an expert presenting on a topic of interest to women for a Women’s Foundation event

Development: The committee ensures The Foundation’s vision for women and children is advanced through a comprehensive fundraising effort for long-term sustainability. The efforts include a diverse and successful annual fundraising plan and major campaign.

Marketing and PR: The Marketing and PR Committee works to let people know who we are and what we do through all mediums of communication such as reports, direct mail, press releases and media interaction, website production, and social media.

Grants Committee: The Grants Committee is charged with implementing the process that connects the Women’s Foundation with the agencies serving nearly 16,000 women and children annually. The 60 volunteers are dedicated to reviewing applications of interest and proposals, conducting site visits, recommending which programs should receive funding, and organizing and hosting the Annual Grants Showcase

Event Support: If you have a special talent working on events, let us know! The Women’s Foundation has several committees that support three events annually.

  • Annual Tribute Luncheon and Symposium – The Annual Tribute Luncheon and Symposium is held in April and is the largest fundraising event for The Women’s Foundation. 
  • The Power of the Purse – An engaging evening of food, drinks and entertainment combined with a live and silent auction.